
a personalized learning game

Mastering Math is a mobile game for children ages 4-5 that I designed with Age of Learning. Players learn a variety of math topics  by playing 10+ minigames. Along the way, the game's difficulty automatically adjusts  to match the skill level of each user. That makes Mastering Math one of the most targeted educational games on the market.

2018 Stevie Gold Winner for Best Game Based Curriculum

2018 Stevie Gold Winner for Best Game Based Curriculum

2018 January BMA Award for Best Educational App

2018 January BMA Award for Best Educational App


Making math Approachable

At their best, games can turn learning into a fun challenge. Our approach with Mastering Math was to put players into situations where using math would be helpful to their progress. Rather than relying on lectures, the learning comes naturally as a side effect of playing.


Learning with big data

It's no secret that mobile games collect a lot of data. Besides traditional business analytics (like time spent per session, daily active users, etc), we also gathered data on how much our players were learning. That data was used to improve our curriculum, and personalize the content. The end result is a game that stays engaging for children across a wide variety of skill levels.



Age of Learning

App Reviews

★★★★★ "My girls think this is the best they can never put it down"

★★★★★ "This app has helped my son. He only knew how to count to 10. And now he knows how to count to 20! He's getting too smart!"

★★★★★  "Fun for the kids. Animation is cute. This game gets more challenging every time the kids do well which keeps them engaged. Nice work."


—Lead a cross functional team of artists & engineers to develop four mini-games within the app.

—Designed Mastering Math's reward economy and achievement systems.

—Analysed live-ops data, focusing on lengthening play sessions and improving learning outcomes.